Hi there! its me.. Vibhor Agarwal. popularly known as Bhoot in the Mechgang.. its a strange name.. but its more so because of my compactness and complexion.. I can fit anywhere, and I roam like a ghost, therefore my friends call me Bhoot. They say that I cant be seen in the darkness. I have done BE in Mechanical Engineering from SATI Vidisha, as this is the site of eleven Mechanical Engineers of 1998 batch of SATI Vidisha,
I have done MBA in Marketing from Pune University and presently working in
Tata Infotech Limited as a Software Engineer at Bangalore.I dont have much to
say about me though.
am a Capricornion.. Ambi says that I missed a great thing by taking birth a day
late.. I was born on 23rd Dec, and had I been a day earlier.. then according to
Ambi I would have been a great sagi.. anyway he says that I am more like a sagi
than a capricornian. I dont have any interest in this so.. whatever he says I
just believe it.
To contact me mail me at vibhor@mechgang.com
to visit this page directly go to vibhor.mechgang.com